I don’t know if this was asked, so sorry ahead of time :o Does anyone have the same problem as me, I would like to know if it’s Blender or just my hardware.
When I place a background image, the screen movement is just terrible. It lags and it’s quite cubersome. But when I use free look mode it doesn’t. My computer is a notebook, plain Intel graphics and 700 something MB RAM. It doesn’t matter what size the image is or what type. I hope it is just my plain computer and not Blender, thanks.
Definitely not Blender, probably not your pooter, just your video card. Not much you can do about the Intel chip but try setting the Colors in Display Settings down and/or maybe turn down the Hardware Acelleration. Also make sure the images for backbuff are either 1:1 resolution (512 x 512) or 1:2 (512 x 1024) and don’t use .bmp!