here are 3 different Scenes with Screen / Camera / Mouse - Scripts:
Indicator (indicator.py):
objects with property "indicate" == True are indicated
3 different Scenes:
1. Scene 1 Basics:
Object Mouse Move (move.py):
Object is placed at mouse cursor at any Camera Transform and Type (Perspective/Orthographic) with their Camera Settings (lens, sensor_width /orthoscale)
Mousewheel: change position of object in z-direction of the Camera
2. Scene 2 Projection:
Object Mouse Move (move_projection.py):
Object is placed at mouse cursor at any Camera Transform and Type (Perspective/Orthographic) and Camera Settings (lens, sensor_width /orthoscale)
Mousewheel: change position of object in z-direction of the Camera
if a Projection_Plane is given Object is projected onto it (infinitely)
Mousewheel: change position of Projection-Plane in Normal direction
You can also define your own plane by definig a position and a normal
3. Scene 3 Mouseclick:
Object Mouse Move (move_click.py):
Objects with property "grab" == True can be moved
Mouse-click Drag n drop
Object is placed at mouse cursor at any Camera Transform and Type (Perspective/Orthographic) and Camera Settings (lens, sensor_width /orthoscale)
Mousewheel: change position of object in z-direction of the Camera
Static object: Cube moves according to clicked Face
Dynamic and Rigid-body: Object moves left/right (according to Camera) and up/down along World-Z-Axis
with holding SHIFT: Object moves relative to ground
with holding CTRL: Object rotates around World-Z-Axis
Positioning On-Screen Indicators to Point to Off-Screen Targets
UPBGE_0.3_screen_math.blend (1.2 MB)
indicator.py (in all Scenes):
Object out of View
indicator.py (in all Scenes):
Multiple Objects support
Scene 1 Basics:
Object Mouse Move