screen recording addon (real time)

I realize that blender has an awesome screen cast recording tool( but i have tried a few different things and i haven’t found any way to make it record at real time speed for tutorials.

basically, the only thing that needs to be changed is the “wait timer” which needs to be lower so there is a smaller gap between frames recorded. by default, i can’t set it any lower than 50 ms.

If you need to contact me: [email protected]


Oh, and if this is a pipe dream, don’t be afraid to tell me :wink: I have very little knowledge of coding, and add on creation

Or you could just use blender 2.70

thanks for the quick reply! that’s awesome!

Since this ended up being more of a support question, moved from “Jobs > Volunteer Work” to “Support > Basics & Interface”

Resently I was playing around with this blender internal screen cast tool too.
Best results in terms of smooth and even running and synchronicity I got when booth these settings in the UserPrefs, “FPS” and “Wait Timer”, are set to 10.
With “Wait Timer” at 50(default) the video seems to run at about double the true speed and somewhat choppy so as if the time per frame was altering randomly.
Since this is telling “Wait Timer” (time between recording frames) that somehow seems to be paradox to me.
Rising the FPS value, as expected, is speeding up the resulting video, what, in my case, was not wanted anyway because the video was running to fast from default. But even on 10 FPS the Video seems to run smoother than I would expect from a 10 FPS recording. So possibly even the FPS Settings may not really be what its telling.

Can someone give some reliable informations about the configuration of this screen cast tool ?

EDIT: Is this FPS the recording rate or playback rate or neither ?
And is the screen cast affected by the FPS settings in the Render Buttons too ?

BTW, I’m currently using Blender 2.73

Greetings Martin