Screens for shoji doors material in cycles

Hi. I have problem with making screens for my shoji doors for interior scene. I tried lots of different node setups but I always have the same problem. I can’t get proper material look for them.

Currently I am using translucent material mixed with diffuse and then mixed with transparent shader so light passes through the screens. For the transparency I’m using this node setup for factor in my mix shader so I can control how much light is passing through and lenght of light in my interior.

This is scene I’m trying to recreate so you can see what kind of material I’m talking about since I’ve found one similar topic about dojo materials but that kind of node setup doesn’t give me this kind of paper/translucent material like in the picture.

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How about your material/shader study? What do your results look like?
Why not using translucency? What kind of node setup have you found, where’s the link?
What’s your real life reference goal? …

& Get rid of any post effects while studying shaders/materials…

Have a look in this thread.

Yes that is the thread I mentioned. Today I tried same material setup that you posted and I got it working. I don’t know why value node for controling cloudy/clear didn’t make any difference before but now it does.

Here is the render: