Screenshot Favor?

Would anybody be able to take a screenshot of my game (wip) with a graphics card capable of displaying normal mapping in the game engine please?

Here is the link for the blend file Link

Im quite proud of my low poly pick up model (that sounds very sad, lol)

Note: I love the car script from the previews :smiley: , thanx to ever made it!!!

You see, you didn’t set up the normal map correctly. You don’t just press “Nor”, you need to set up the script and such. (, in the 2.43 graphics demos.) You’ll need a height map, normal map, and detail map for your brick texture before it will work.

Thanx for the screenshot MagicMyshu.
Thanx for tips on normal mapping blender_rox.
I need a new motherboard before I can get a better graphics card, i am cursed with only having pci :frowning: