Script Basics

I’m still learning Blender, so please bear with me.

I can’t for the life of me understand how to use scripts. For example, I downloaded the Material Library script, but I don’t know how to install it or even make it usable.

I’ve searched Wiki and these forums, and I can’t find a very dumbed down tutorial on how to install a script. I’ve tried entering the scripts window, but there is no option to open a script. I simply can’t figure it out, and everything I find online already assumes one knows the steps necessary to run a script. Can anyone help?


just save it in the blender’s .blender/scripts directory et voila


At least two ways to use a script.

  • Read this:
  • Or:
  • Copy the script into Blender’s scripts directory.
  • On Linux, this will be wherever you installed Blender, then .blender/scripts (for example /opt/blender-2.43-linux-glibc232-py24-i386/.blender/scripts/).
  • Restart Blender. Hope it helps!

The thing that I never did was set up the script search path , so it just never worked.
Thanks for the help…finally got it!