Script collision / order of selection / movement problem

there´s not much to say…because i don´t understand why it´s not working.
All i figured out is, sometimes it depends on the order in which you select the objects for it to work.
I modified everything over and over, tried playing with the pulse option/modes but i cant really stick to something because then, theres a new error somewhere else.

Maybe i´ve just chosen the wrong way to do things. :stuck_out_tongue:

Please, could someone experienced have a look at the setup.

to see the bug, try select:

green -> blue

blue -> pink

pink -> green

then again … sometimes even that works
(seems it depends on the sleep state in physics, but i´m not sure)

Oh, and not to forget:
how it should work:

you click two objects, they face each other and then approach each other untill they collide.
when selecting two object which are not in direct sight they should move around other objects(slide around/based on bounding box).
you can un/root objects with rightclick and select with leftclick

EDIT: attachment deleted, to not spoil before game is finished, sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

ok, i found out something:
i need to check the hitObjectList from the Radar Sensor
But like social gave a very good example in my other post, how would i shorten that to a simple statement and not have a big loop (check if obj with property is in List if true return true)?

Never mind, i figured it out.

if (OB1_to_search_for in radar.hitObjectList):
do something

was enough.