Script errors

Hey guy’s, I was wondering if there was any way I could upgrade a script or somthing. THis is my problem everytie I try to run some scripts even new ones I get this error with a stirng simular to this, “import os, sys” or basicaly anything with an “os” in it.
HELP :frowning:
PLEASE :frowning:


do you have Python installed? (Also, some more information on what platform you’re on, what Blender version you’re using, and Python version would really be helpful to get you a more helpful answer).

With regards,

Yeah I have 2.2 I think installed on an XP, but before that I had te older version andit still didnt work right. I’m using 2.25, but I also noticed that python wont work on 2.23 or 2.28, I am able to use the RipSting Fiber script though.

Blender 2.25 has Python 2.0 built in and to be able to use libraries (like os) it needs the same version of Python installed on your machine, and the PYTHONPATH environment variable set correctly (for which you’ll surely find the information here in case don’t have it already).

The bugfix version to the old Python, 2.0.1, works fine.