Ever notice when you use lighted objects they never go totaly black where they’re not lit? I’ve found a way to fix it, the script works in 2.23 and 2.25, but not in standalone runtimes.
The script needs to be run every frame. You could create an empty to run the script, or you could just put it on your camera.
Special thanks to z3r0 d, for getting me started with BGL; and the creaters of the 2.30 python documentation, which has all the details of the BGL module.
Well it works, but one thing, when I place a lamp, and move with my char far away from it, the faces that are traight in front of the lamp, still stay white. while the another faces are pure black. :-?
JD-multi, You probably need to adjust the falloff factor of your lamp. Select the lamp and go to lamp buttons (F4.) Set Quad1 to 1.0, and Quad2 to 0.0. This should give gradual falloff close to the lamp, and sharp falloff the farther you get away.