script for importing Sharpconstruct mesh

How could I import vertex color information in Blender?:

This is a typical mesh made with Sharpconstruct,
It’s an obj with vertexcolor information.
It would be nice to import UV coordinates too in order to use vertex color information to use as displacement in a mesh.

# Exported from SharpConstruct 0.11 -

v 1 -0 -1
v -1 -0 -1
v -1 0 1
v 0.013841 1.24523 -0.127313
f 1 3 2 
f 1 4 3 
f 2 3 4 
f 1 2 4 
#vertexcolor 0 1 1 1
#vertexcolor 1 1 0.211778 0.211778
#vertexcolor 2 0.715574 1 0.715574
#vertexcolor 3 0.378977 0.378977 0.867324

I tried to modify blenders obj import script to read vertex color information and asign it to vertex/faces but I’m completly new at python and I’ve lost two days on it without any resoult

Tx a lot.