Script for printing a list of all actions in a scene file?

Hello friends, I’m trying to clean up my job folders and I’m trying to be careful about what I delete. At the same time I’m trying to make asset libraries of actions. So I need to go through and make some spreadsheets of all actions.

It seems like it would be a simple script but I’m way too ignorant of python. Is there a script, or would it be easy to make a script that would print all action names in a file so I could copy/paste?

Thanks very much for any and all advice. peace

So far I’ve been able to find

which gives me a list, but I’m looking to refine that list because it gives me a lot that I don’t need; it’s comma separated but each entry contains text I’d like to clean out of the list, for instance


would be much more useful as simply


for the purpose of being able to paste into a spreadsheet.

I’ll keep digging.

not a nice solution, but it works:

import re

a = re.split(r',', str(
b = re.findall(r'\'.*?\'', str(a))
c = str(b).replace("'","")
c = c.replace("[","")
c = c.replace("]","")
c = c.replace("\"","")

d = re.split(r',', c)

del d[::2]


Hey Blender_Fun1, that’s very nice of you. I’m almost there.

Your script gives me

[’ Action_Name’, ‘Action_Name2’ ]

Which is better by far. Where might I hack this to remove the quotes and brackets?

Much obliged!


This is python regex (Regular Expression)

Here is a cool online site where you can test your expressions and get a python version.

Hope that helps…

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no, that’s just the way blender/python shows an array.

just print it out like this, and you will see, that it is ok:

for item in d:

That works. Thank you!

So as it stands now I can get it to work in the python console which is grand. But I’m really curious about how I could make it into a script. If I try and run it in the text editor, it throws an error. I tried inserting an import bpy at the beginning and that didn’t help.

I can use it as a text file that I copy and paste into the console. Is there a way I can turn it into a text file/script that I could run in the text editor? This is pure curiosity, I already have a useful solution thanks to you.

Thank you @AlphaChannel! I appreciate your advice and help.

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