Script for spiral curves - modified

some time ago I made a script to create curves in spiral, also it can make logarithmic spirals

Link to script

Add Spheric and Torus Spirals
you can change spiral direction

look at Scripts - Objects

Great tool, really simplifies creating spirals… :slight_smile:

Neat script, good idea :slight_smile:

one application here

All I can say is thank you for sharing…excellent tool you can make a lot of projects out of this…

thanks, very handy script. will use this lots.

Hi, nice script.

Here’s also another idea about spirals (page in Italian, sorry):

Maybe the Original Poster may be interested.
Obviously it can still be improved a lot.
This script has been developed without being aware of alexv’s one :slight_smile:

Bye, ao2.

hi, Would it be possible to, based on these two scripts to take it the step further to Torus Knots or Celtic Knots by including ‘twist around objects’ type functions. There is a tutorial on jms site:
that has some old code. From what I understand Torus knots require lots of scripting, the formula is available on the web ( search google ), then it would bld need to be ported to Python This would be a great function to include in Blender as True Knots are a much wanted feature that does not appear in many 3d Programs i think.
Anyway, something to think about.
Thanks M.A.

wow what a cool script. thanks for making that.

Any room to add other type of spiral like
The Archimedean spiral: r = a + bθ
The Cornu spiral or clothoid
Fermat’s spiral: r = θ1/2
The hyperbolic spiral: r = a
The lituus: r = 1/θ1/2
The logarithmic spiral: r = abθ; approximations of this are found in nature
The Fibonacci spiral and golden spiral: special cases of the logarithmic spiral.

Check on Wikipedia Encyclopedia for Spirals
\Spiral\Spiral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.htm

Tanks & Salutations

Hmm, been looking for smt like this.
And this can still be used with the modifiers?

I plead also for the above additions to be made. In particular I have been seeking something like this with regard to the The Fibonacci spiral and golden spiral logarithmic spirals. I would be so grateful for this.

Make modifications
Now add Spheric and torus spirals
now the spirals script is in Scripts - Objects
you can change spiral direction


Meta-Androcto and RJ2005: interesting Link’s

To all: I will try to make more Modifications :wink:


is there king of a small PDF file showing the different forms of spiral and the settings needed to produce the different shape as we see them in the pictures ?

Anybody did the english version for this Italian site ?

I was looking at the one made a bit like a telephone cord ?

is it possible to have an open ended a model having like a telephone cord or any other type of cord in spiral ?

Keep up the good work and tanks a lot man

Tanks & Salutations

uhh after you make the spiral how do you get a mesh out of it ??

For torus i found on this site

Script-Torus\Torus - Blender Artists Forums.htm

Torus by Pierre Bourque to make all kind of torus - very nicely done and very small

Look at the pcitures for the different type of torus you can make - quit nice features

Hi all. Umm all I can say is excellent work!

alexv >Make modifications
Now add Spheric and torus spirals
now the spirals script is in Scripts - Objects
you can change spiral direction

Great job, the Torus addition works well, I made some very cool shapes with little effort.
I hope you can keep expanding this Script, one feature that would be good is to have an Array option. To clarify, if the script could make/select a path or curve object, then array by distance along the path or curve, Celtic Knots could be also achieved. Keep up the good work!
It is good to see also that you are looking at different options. It would be great to see something like this included in Blender one day.

ao2 >Hi, nice script.

Here’s also another idea about spirals (page in Italian, sorry):

Maybe the Original Poster may be interested.
Obviously it can still be improved a lot.
This script has been developed without being aware of alexv’s one.

Also a great script, many of the functions are a bit different, such as the 'wrap around object type thing, again, keep working on this script, there are two distinct scripts here that do similar things, yet can have different applications, that is good. Options are always good, I wouldn’t worry about duplication because of the differences.
I hope that translates well:D

To all, great job with links and support for this script.:yes:

Thanks for the great work, i can do everything from stars to complex torus patterns, keep up the great work, i could see such a range of curves shapes getting quick inclusion into Blender. (i would hope):evilgrin:

Sorry BlueSpider,
to make the curve solid,
select the curve then press f9,
go to the curves & surface menu & play with the settings (bevel depth makes a tube),
then go to the Object tab or press alt/c to Convert Object Type/ convert to mesh.
It is best to exit the script now, then change the new mesh name, then re-open the script for the next spiral.
also this will then also allow you to create a new curve without overwriting your original curve
hope this helps.

Thanks alot again for this wonderful script…

Ok Blender has many weakness which include not having anything to make a simple
Parabola - you need this shape to make lens - stone bridge - hanging rope between post -
or suspended bridge - any type of arch in building ect…

is there a way to include a programmable parabola curve in you script somewhere
That could help a lot of people with a simple easy way to do their parabolic shape precisely and not approxi. by hand!
