Hi all. Finally, after 5 or 6 running versions of KlopUtils (alingnment tool and so) there’s a complete pdf doc commenting features and how to use each.
All inestable functions have been revised, and now it use the new mathutils python module.
I copy what it can do (new in yellow):
What is KlopUtils
It is a program written in Python language for being used as a script while you are using Blender. It contains tools about modeling, modifing and positioning 3D objects that the official Blender version have not.
These tools are initially oriented as a help for the general design of objects en 2D and 3D (architecture, industrial…), and this is the issue the program will be developed around.
The utilities in the program are separated in 4 areas, accesible trough a unfolding menu, always placed at the top of the interface:
Fitting an object between two others
Setting to an object the absolute size of other one
Aligning selected objects, according to several criteria:
Alignment of location/rotation/scale
Scale can be changed either aditive or multiplicatively
Location separation can be referenced aither by centers, baricenters, origins or limits
Object creation (not included in Blender distribution)
Circunference passing through 3 points
Arc passing through 3 points
Arc based on angles and radius (interactive)
Mesh modifing (affects vertices, faces and edges)
Edges subdivision in any number of parts
Proyection onto an arbitrary plane, in an arbitrary direction
Applying of position, rotation, scale values (new matrix) over an object, though it looks unaffected
Posibility of actualizing other matrix instances is available
3D Objects modifing(affecs to transform matrices)
Moves/Rotates/Scales randomly the selected objects
Moves selected objects closer/away the active one,
setting them at a fix distance
moving them a fix number
setting them at a proporcional distance
Indeed, all numeric/vectorial values used during the program use, can be copied and pasted with the help of a buffer, which can contain:
A position vector
A Euler list
A scale vector
and can store:
Numbers, entered by user
Values aquired from objects (matrices mean, distance, difference of position or rotation angles between two objects)
and being showed on Blender console as text.
Finally, the script is ready to copy in the scripts directory, being accesible through the script menu window and, again, there’s a multilingual support (English, Spanish, Catalan and your collaboration )
Download script from:
http://www.iespana.es/klopes/enchufes-guiri.htm KlopUtils 3.233 (English)
http://www.iespana.es/klopes/plugins/kloputils/kloputils3-233en.pdf Docs in English
http://www.iespana.es/klopes/enchufes.htm KlopUtils 3.233 (Español)
http://www.iespana.es/klopes/plugins/kloputils/kloputils3-233es.pdf Docs en español