script link global list

I want to iterate in a list of object, but i dont want to add them all to a list in every redraw( Im using the script in script link). Its somebody knows a way to have a list of objects that can have persistence.
Any idea would help i just want to make the code faster so i don’t have to look in blender for all the objects i want in the list in every redraw.


pd Im not using this for games

Just keep your list global. Then add a reference to the list in your ReDraw. Some outside process is then responsible for populating the list. Either put code in the start of your script or in a button.

Pseudo Code:

# Globals     
myObjectList = []

# GUI redraw.
def gui_redraw():
    global myObjectList
    for n in myObjectList:
        #Code here.

# Program starts here.
Register(gui_redraw, sys_events, gui_events)

thanks atom, but im not taking about global variables in a script, I was taking about using them in a script and link them to an object and run them in all the redraw.

The easy way is to just store it in the Blender module, i.e.

import Blender

# Tries to retrieve the global list (across script link calls)
# If its not existent in the Blender module, then it makes
# the global list and then assigns it into the Blender module
     myLocalList = Blender.myGlobalList
     myLocalList = buildMyGlobalList()
     Blender.myGlobalList = myLocalList

# continue on referencing myLocalList

Its not the best way to do it in terms of name space pollution, but its probably the easiest.

In a little less pseudo-code like

import Blender
import bpy

scn =
obList = []
     obList = Blender.gObList
     obList = [ob for ob in scn.objects if ob.selected]
     Blender.gObList = obList

thanks forTe, i think that would work