Script making beeps on startup? Fix here

I’ve seen people complain about a few scripts that make misterious “beeps” on startup, I have also expirienced this. A few of my own scripts have done the same thing.

I don’t know how many users here know what the cause of this problem is, I certainly didn’t before now, so I am posting this for those of you who don’t. Those of you who whould like to eliminate this annoyance from your scripts, please read on.

The fix is very simple, anywhere you call a Draw.Create(*), don’t pass a floating point value unless it is a slider object(someone correct me if there is some other object that uses floating point values).


My_Menu = Draw.Create(0.0)

will cause a beep, while:

My_Menu = Draw.Create(0)

wont. I hope someone here finds what I have written useful! Have a nice day!

Number also can use floating point values

well, ive experienced the beep too with walkomatic, but it usually doesnt bother me because i almost always have my volume muted