Script Question/Request Render Single Picture on Multiple Computers

In the not to distant future I may be willing to pay for this if it can be developed in a stable way. The principle is immensely simple although I do appreciate that coding is never “simple”. Therefore I would like to ask those who are in the know if my script idea is achievable with Blender in it’s current state (or if one already exists)

Simply Put (Script Request)

I’d like to hit render and have a script cut my picture into 4 to 6 parts and render them individually as PNG’s across 4-6 computers. I can do this by hand right now but it is very inconvenient for me and precision is impossible. However I have noticed that if I hover the mouse over the picture that I am rending and hold down the left mouse button Blender has an existing coordinate system in place.

Can a script be made that accounts for this coordinate system inherent to the rendered image, cut it up into several parts with the Ctrl + B function and have the file render on separate computers (but only the predefined sections on each)

Please let me know if you think that this is easy, difficult or if it is even possible. This would be an immensly valuebale addition for me and I am sure others would would be able to benefit as well.

Some keywords to help you search for existing scripts that do this are ‘Tile Renderer’ or ‘Cell Renderer’. I wrote an addon to do this before Cycles was introduced, called “Monster Tile Renderer” and even scripts to autostitch the resulting Tiles using either GIMP or python PIL library. It was used (apparently) with great success by several people in print for billboards

Yes it is possible. search a little harder with the new terms.

Thx for the info.

This is exactly what ‘brenda’ was written to do! I use this program exclusively for renderfarming, it works magnificently. It allows scripting for prerendering. Blender will already do distributed rendering, tiles, brenda leverages this ability on the Amazon cloud. Youtube link to james yonans talk.

In description of this render manager referred to

Moreover, it is possible to use it for distributed tile rendering, for example if you’d like to render a big image over the network of several computers.

I will write here another link on this topic. If someone check his work email in the subject - it.

has anyone tried renderbot? uses amazon AWS for rendering and their docs mention sub-frame rendering.