I need to write a script to capture the animation of a camera flyby around a central object into .jpg images (say 1000). Then these need to be encoded into a video file like .avi, .ogg, .mpeg4, etc… What is the best scripting approach to doing this?
The best I can come up with so far is to:
Use a script to write rendered images to a directory
I want to do this to automate the process of viewing 3d models. WIth this script, I can load any arbitrary 3d model and make a video of it immediately, instead of setting up the scene each time.
Not sure if this will be possible in 2.5x, I know a lot of things are accessible, but not sure to what degree.
Render jpeg’s to specific folder
When frame reaches 1000 (or whatever frame count is)
load images in sequencer as image sequence
change out put to film codec
check sequence and render frames 1 - 1000
I’m thinking of the above approach as it would be all possible in a python script, I say possible, I don’t know if the API(s) give you that can kind of access.
It might be worth checking on the developers IRC channel.