Script works, but I need a change

I am using this mouselook script, and it works fine, but when you move the mouse down, it goes up, and you move up and it goes down. How can I reverse this so that down is down, and up is up?

#        Blender 2.49
#   Tutorial for using can be found at
#   Released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.    
#   If you use this code, please include this information header.

# define main program
def main():
    # set default values
    Sensitivity =  0.0005
    Invert = 1
    Capped = False
    # import Rasterizer
    import Rasterizer
    # get controller
    controller = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
    # get the object this script is attached to
    obj = controller.owner
    # get the size of the game screen
    gameScreen = gameWindow(Rasterizer)
    # get mouse movement
    move = mouseMove(gameScreen, controller, obj)
    # change mouse sensitivity?
    sensitivity =  mouseSen(Sensitivity, obj)
    # invert mouse pitch?
    invert = mousePitch(Invert, obj)
    # upDown mouse capped?
    capped = mouseCap(Capped, move, invert, obj)
    # use mouse look
    useMouseLook(controller, capped, move, invert, sensitivity)
    # Center mouse in game window
    centerCursor(controller, gameScreen, Rasterizer)

# define game window
def gameWindow(Rasterizer):
    # get width and height of game window
    width = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
    height = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()
    return (width, height)


# define mouse movement function
def mouseMove(gameScreen, controller, obj):

    # Get sensor named MouseLook
    mouse = controller.sensors["MouseLook"]

    # extract width and height from gameScreen
    width = gameScreen[0]
    height = gameScreen[1]

    # distance moved from screen center
    x = width/2 - mouse.position[0]
    y = height/2 - mouse.position[1]
    # initialize mouse so it doesn't jerk first time
    if obj.has_key('mouseInit') == False:
        obj['mouseInit'] = True
        x = 0
        y = 0
    #########    stops drifting on mac osx
    # if sensor is deactivated don't move
    if not mouse.positive:
        x = 0
        y = 0
    #########  -- mac fix contributed by Pelle Johnsen
    # return mouse movement
    return (x, y)


# define Mouse Sensitivity
def mouseSen(sensitivity, obj):
    # check so see if property named Adjust was added
    if obj.has_key('Adjust') == True:
        # Don't want Negative values
        if obj['Adjust'] < 0.0:
            obj['Adjust'] = 0.0
        # adjust the sensitivity
        sensitivity = obj['Adjust'] * sensitivity

    # return sensitivity
    return sensitivity


# define Invert mouse pitch
def mousePitch(invert, obj):
    # check to see if property named Invert was added    
    if obj.has_key('Invert') == True:
        # pitch to be inverted?
        if obj['Invert'] == True:
            invert = -1
            invert = 1
    # return mouse pitch
    return invert


# define Cap vertical mouselook
def mouseCap(capped, move, invert, obj):
    # check to see if property named Cap was added
    if obj.has_key('Cap') == True:            
        # import mathutils
        import Mathutils
        # limit cap to 0 - 180 degrees
        if obj['Cap'] > 180:
            obj['Cap'] = 180
        if obj['Cap'] < 0:
            obj['Cap'] = 0
        # get the orientation of the camera to world axis
        camOrient = obj.orientation
        # get camera Z axis vector
        camZ = [camOrient[0][2], camOrient[1][2], camOrient[2][2]]
        # create camera z axis vector 
        vec1 = Mathutils.Vector(camZ)
        # get camera parent
        camParent = obj.parent
        # get parent orientation to world axis
        parentOrient = camParent.orientation
        # get parent z axis vector
        parentZ = [parentOrient[0][2], parentOrient[1][2], parentOrient[2][2]]
        # create parent z axis vector
        vec2 = Mathutils.Vector(parentZ)
        # find angle between two
        angle = Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(vec1, vec2)
        # get amount to limit mouselook
        capAngle = obj['Cap']
        # get mouse up down movement
        moveY = move[1] * invert
        # check capped angle against against camera z-axis and mouse y movement
        if (angle > (90 + capAngle/2) and moveY > 0)   or (angle < (90 - capAngle/2) and moveY < 0)  == True:
            # no movement
            capped = True
    # return capped
    return capped


# define useMouseLook
def useMouseLook(controller, capped, move, invert, sensitivity):
    # get up/down movement
    if capped == True:
        upDown = 0
        upDown = move[1] * sensitivity * invert 
    # get left/right movement
    leftRight = move[0] * sensitivity * invert 
    # Get the actuators
    act_LeftRight = controller.actuators["LeftRight"]
    act_UpDown = controller.actuators["UpDown"]  
    # set the values
    act_LeftRight.dRot = [ 0.0, 0.0, leftRight]
    act_LeftRight.useLocalDRot = False  
    act_UpDown.dRot = [ upDown, 0.0, 0.0]
    act_UpDown.useLocalDRot = True
    # Use the actuators 

# define center mouse cursor
def centerCursor(controller, gameScreen, Rasterizer):
    # extract width and height from gameScreen
    width = gameScreen[0]
    height = gameScreen[1]
    # Get sensor named MouseLook
    mouse = controller.sensors["MouseLook"]
    # get cursor position
    pos = mouse.position
    # if cursor needs to be centered
    if pos != [ width/2, height/2]:
        # Center mouse in game window
        Rasterizer.setMousePosition(width/2, height/2)
    # already centered.  Turn off actuators
        # Get the actuators
        act_LeftRight = controller.actuators["LeftRight"]
        act_UpDown = controller.actuators["UpDown"]  
        # turn off the actuators 


# Run program

looks like you want to change

# Invert = 1
Invert = -1

Thank you!!