Scripting change colour multiple objects per frame.


This is the first time I’m using blender to make an animation for an art project.

20 objects (UVsphere’s) will change colour/texture every single frame.

Is it possible to automate this with a BPython script?

Before I’m going to read and study all the Api’s, I want to know if this will work.

Thank you for your attention.


I’m unsure you reallyreally need a Python script unless you want random new colors each frame [Which will make viewers epylepsy run wild].

Material IPOs can change colors to your
spheres nicely and smoothly.


P.S. Welcome to the forum, too

well to be more specific and to correct myself on a major scale, I want to animate - instead of 20 - 1728(!) spheres placed in/as a cube of 12 * 12 sphere objects wide (X,Y) and 12 sphere objects height (Z).

12 (X) * 12 (Y) * 12 (Z) = 1728 spheres placed in/as a cube.

To create patterns in this cube over time I want to change the transparency, color and other texture settings of each individual sphere object.

To address each sphere manually for each frame (± 5 * 25 frame) is a very labour intensively job(!), so I wander if there’s a way to make things working a bit smoother by scripting the texture changes.

Thank you for pointing to the IPO. I just started in Blender (yesterday worked through the Blendercourse PDF) and wasn’t aware yet of the IPO functionality. ;-P.



And thank you 4 welcoming. ;-D