[Scripting] make each geo element planar on z axis then apply geo nodes and set property

for anyone who wants to do something similar to this, I decided to tackle only the second part where I apply the desired geo node network to all selected meshes and then sets the BldgHeight property, taking the value from the name of the object as described above:

for target in bpy.context.selected_objects:
    if target.type == 'MESH':
        #get rid of any exiting modifiers
        #make the new GeoNodes modifier
        modifier = target.modifiers.new("BuildingNode", "NODES") 
        #get the building Node Tree
        node = bpy.data.node_groups["building"]         
        #then set it        
        modifier.node_group = node

then to set a property in a geo node modifier you need to get the identifier for the property then you can set it:

        #get the IDs for inputs
        BldgHeightID = node.inputs["BldgHeight"].identifier
        SeedID = node.inputs["RandomSeed"].identifier
        PropID = node.inputs["PropDensity"].identifier
        #set BldgHeight to something random when we dont know the height
        modifier[BldgHeightID] = random.randint(4, 50)
        #use some random value for inputs
        modifier[SeedID] = random.randint(0, 5000)
        modifier[PropID] = random.uniform(0.3, 0.8)

Here you see me getting the identifiers for inputs called BldgHeight, RandomSeed and PropDensity.

Finally to get something in the name of an object then set it into an input you need to do the following:

        #get a reference of the object name, useful later   
        name = target.name

        if "height" in name:
            #get the number in the object's name
            HeightName = name.strip("height=")
            f = float(HeightName)
            i = int(f)
            #put that number into BldgHeight
            modifier[BldgHeightID] = i

So the whole script i used is the following, it is very specific to what i want it to do but i hope it helps people out there!

import bpy
import random

for target in bpy.context.selected_objects:
    if target.type == 'MESH':
        #get rid of any exiting modifiers
        #make the new GeoNodes modifier
        modifier = target.modifiers.new("BuildingNode", "NODES") 
        #get the building Node Tree
        node = bpy.data.node_groups["building"]         
        #then set it        
        modifier.node_group = node
        #get the IDs for inputs
        BldgHeightID = node.inputs["BldgHeight"].identifier
        SeedID = node.inputs["RandomSeed"].identifier
        PropID = node.inputs["PropDensity"].identifier
        #set BldgHeight to something random when we dont know the height
        modifier[BldgHeightID] = random.randint(4, 50)
        #use some random value for inputs
        modifier[SeedID] = random.randint(0, 5000)
        modifier[PropID] = random.uniform(0.3, 0.8)
        #get a reference of the object name, useful later   
        name = target.name

        if "height" in name:
            #get the number in the object's name
            HeightName = name.strip("height=")
            f = float(HeightName)
            i = int(f)
            #put that number into BldgHeight
            modifier[BldgHeightID] = i
            if "levels" in name:
                #get ID for ModuleHeight
                ModHeightID = node.inputs["ModuleHeight"].identifier
                #get ModuleHeight
                ModHeight = modifier[ModHeightID]
                #get the level number
                LevelName = name.strip("building:levels=")
                f2 = float(LevelName)
                #get BldgHeight by ModuleHeight * level number, converting to int then apply it
                modifier[BldgHeightID] = int(f2 * ModHeight)