Sculpt Mode: Box hide works on some meshes, not others. How do I make box hide work?

Are there special rules for making box hide work? Because it refuses to work on the mesh I need it to, and I’m out of ideas.

Box hide does nothing when I try to use it on my character’s mesh. There are no shape keys, vertex groups, and the only modifier in the stack is multires. As far as I can tell either there are no face sets, or it is all one face set. Probably the latter since the model had really screwed up face sets at one point and I think the fix was to make the whole model one set.

If I add a new sphere to the same exact scene with multires then try to use box hide it works, so something must be screwy with the model itself, not the scene or file, but I can’t think of anything left to remove or reset from the model I’m actually trying to sculpt, and I really need it to just work. I could try swearing at it some more, but that’s not going to help.

I’ve also tried using the box mask, then hide masked but no, that refuses to work either.

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I’m having the same problem. were you able to solve this problem?

I’m not sure. I must have had figured it out since I didn’t post about it again, but this was a while ago so I don’t remember. I haven’t experienced the issue recently, and don’t recall which file on my computer this was.

Best of luck though. Losing box hide functionality sucks.