Sculpt Mode - Hiding Polygons

I need your help folks. This one’s been driving me mad for a while now.

According to the blender manual, I can hide polygons in edit mode, and have them hidden in sculpt mode.

That’s a no go for me. No matter what I seem to try, the polys will not stay hidden in sculpt mode. I’m using multires, so I tried it without that. Still no luck. I’m trying to sculpt two surfaces that are butted up against each other, so masking in sculpt mode won’t work. I need to hide specific polys in edit mode.

Any ideas as to what I am missing?

Alt + B comes to mind , try that in sculpt mode.

I tried as the manual says and it works , something must be wrong with your blend file.
It looks you cant hide faces when Multires is live in Edit mode but you can with H in Sculpt mode.

That won’t work. The surface I need to sculpt on is too close to the surface I need to hide, even overlapping in one spot.

That’s too bad that it won’t work with multires. Another option that would be helpful would be something like the connected proportional option in edit mode, where the sculpting tool will only affect the geometry within the focus ring, but only if that geometry is connected.

Ahh well. I found a work around in the end, but thanks for the suggestions all the same. :slight_smile:
Being a long time ZB user, It’d just be nice to have a more robust set of masking and auto masking tools so I wouldn’t have to jump through hoops getting a character to ZB and back just for a few touch ups. Blender’s sculpting tools have come a ways, but they’re not quite there just yet.

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Guys, there is an option for this on the hide/mask menu:

You have the same functionality in sculpt mode, they just used inconsistent hotkeys there for some reason. H seems to just do mostly what alt+b does except it hides what you select instead of everything else.

H should do what the “hide masked” command does. The behavior you get with H as it is now should just be an option for the clipping mask (alt + B). EDIT: Now that I think about it, this feature hides, so it is functionally different from the clipping brush. Maybe it would be better as its own tool (maybe ctrl + H, or ctrl + alt + H). It could even function as it does now when you press H while no areas of your sculpt are masked.

@William if you see this, could you propose this as a change in 2.8?

Thanks for the suggestion, but as I said, that wouldn’t work since the parts of the mesh (closed mouth in this case) are too close to mask out in sculpt mode. There’s no way to paint a mask onto one lip without affecting the other, unless there’s a trick there I’m unaware of.

I know that this is a really old post, but if somebody else is searching for a solution, just use a mask modifier.