Sculpt mode mask opacity (Blender 2.8)


is it possible to make sculpt mode mask color semi-transparent, so that it is possible to see the shape of your model?

Try clicking on show Xray… or you could use Ctrl M to hide and show the mask.

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Thank you,

but I was specifically looking for mask opacity, not a workaround.

I was about to mention that I know I can hide the mask.

Xray mode too sounds like a hack.

My point is that when I draw mask, I’d like to also see then shape as I might have to do masks that I have to see while sculpting.

I didn’t see any option for this in UI colors either, or I simply missed it…



The default value is pretty bad, yeah…

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OK I get what you are saying…but that brings up a second question…are you using the strength all the way to 1.0? as no matter what I sculpt,the mask will paint on the sculpt and doesn’t hide anything, you can still see my sculpt even if set all the way up!

What are your Mat Cap settings?

Never Mind…I just found it…down at the bottom of View Port Overlays…is setting for Mask


That’s it. Somehow missed it.

Thank you!