Local subdivision: Go into edit mode, select a locale, ‘w’>subdivide (doesn’t work with multires)
Mesh extraction: Go into edit mode, select part of your mesh, ‘p’>selected (also doesn’t work with multires)
Masks, etc.: Would be very cool! For now you can hide portions of a mesh with ctrl-LMB-drag or some such (don’t know what the shortcut is anymore)
Unfortunately CVS is frozen already for the upcoming release. Otherwise it might be good to ask Nicholas about adding masking and allowing some destructive edit tools to work with multires.
also a layering feature would be nice ala mudbox …
basically you can create layers think photoshop and you can change certain attributes of a whole layer like the intensity of the layer …
you can also with masks combine layers … again think photoshop … so lets say you have two layers … but you only want one layer to show up in certain parts of the mesh so what you do is draw a color mask basically just vertex coloring … wherever that vertex color is the layer will show through to the other layer …
also one thing ive noticed at high detail levels … is that the brush will start to just leave dots… is there any possibility of having a point to point mode where each point is interpolated between basically? or just in general cant it interpolate between points? so instead of the brush simply sending bump after bump down it will actually interpolate between points so that you can get smoother lines even at higher detail levels or just in general nicer lines ?