Sculpted dent isn't visible in texture mode

I’m doing a tutorial here: According to the tutorial, I’m supposed to texture paint the dents I made on the Robot’s head in sculpt mode. I mapped a new texture using the UV editor. Then in Texture mode, I choose the Robot metal material, and the Robot’s texture in the properties panel. When I go into Render Mode, the Robot is very dark and the dents are gone. Can someone tell me how I can get the dents to be visible in Texture Mode so I can texture paint the bumps as is shown in the tutorial?


In Rendered Mode before I create the texture map:

This is what I get after following the steps in the tutorial:

This is what I should get (from the tutorial)

Blender file:

The blend file doesn’t have the textures packed, and maybe link to the tutorial so we can see what is being done.

I think I wasn’t selecting all of the mesh in the UV editor. Anyway it’s working now. I’ll attempt to repeat the steps on a duplicate blend file to see if I understand what I was doing wrong. But I want to get the texture painting done first. Before I uploaded the blend file to, I packed external data into the blend file. I got an error message: “Some images are painted on. These changes will be lost. Continue?” This error message happened before and after I “fixed” the problem. Is that why the blend file didn’t have the textures packed? How would I make sure my textures are packed for future reference? I did include a link to the tutorial. The part where I was having the problem (and maybe I still am) is 18 min 30 sec into the video. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Screenshot of the dent in texture mode:

It means that before you packed them , you needed to save them in their newly painted state - F3 in the image window, Save Image As for each one. You were being warned before trying to pack them that you had changed them from their last saved state -and if saved, you probably don’t get that message. Good that you figured it out.

Lately, I’m not getting notified by email that I got a response to my post on this forum.


It means that before you packed them , you needed to save them in their newly painted state - F3 in the image window, Save Image As for each one.

It means that before you packed them , you needed to save them in their newly painted state - F3 in the image window, Save Image As for each one.

Do you mean save the blend file with “Method to display/shade objects in the 3D window” changed to Material? (in texture view he comes out blue for some reason) What do you mean save for each one?

Okay, you paint an image that is set as a texture in your material, and press save file - but that tells you that you still need to “save image as” in the uv image editor window for each texture you have painted on, or the changes will be lost

I thought I had been doing that. I was saving images (normals, AO and texture) as pngs. And the asterisk down by the image menu in UV editor window disappears. But since I am a beginner, I very well may have not done it right.

Is this one okay? I downloaded it, and the textures seem to be there. I need to know this because I appreciate very much the help I’ve been getting in this forum.

Looks fine to me on this end :smiley:

Thanks for your time and expertise.