Sculpted retopo'ed head

[Edit: the result so far is the last picture in this post]

Here’s another way to make a head.

I started with a sphere and used a lattice and the sculpt tools to make it look roughly like a head.
Then I added a plane as another object, turned on Retopo and started extruding vertexes to follow the curves and folds.

Here’s the start:


Here’s the whole head retopo’ed.


Looks preety good.
Imho, it’s mush easier to model a head in ‘old’ way, than to sculpt it.
With common modeling you have more control on shape… or it’s just me :eyebrowlift2:

it looks good, but the edgelooping is… a little odd, I suppose. Doesn’t look like it’ll animate too well, but maybe that’s just me. It might be better to set up a base head, and sculpt to differentiate it.

When I tried to make a head without sculpting, it seemed like I kept hitting walls.
I could not visualize where to put the next edge if there was nothing there to guide me.
This way helps me get past the walls.

The retopo tool is also helpful in making eyelids.
I made the inner surface of the eyelids float exactly on the eyeball with the retopo tool.

The right edge of the eyelids will be redone to make a loop.


Watch those edge loops around your eye lid - they should select in edge select mode as a continuous loop if you want to be able to animate this later. I had to learn the hard way when I tried the same face connections and animated my own mesh - you end up getting unnatural crinkles in the mesh, and loop selecting speeds up the assignment of new shape keys :slight_smile:

Looking good so far, and glad to hear you are trying a different approach to get your art realized :slight_smile:

Are you saying that it is easier to start with a box modeled mesh and then to sculpt it to add the details?
And that it’s harder to start with a sculpted mesh and then to use retopo tools to add the edge loops?

The edge loops are a bit odd.

Now with loops:


i start with someone else’s loops and then adjust them as nesoserry.

modal your face with torq’s loops become they animate well, then sculpt/edit the cage to add details.

im only good at modaling becose im good at spacial maths. i cannot sculpt anything. so im probably wrong, dont know the work flow for sculpting .

That looks much better, there, Coderdave, and those will animate for you very easily! Whatever it takes to get a clean mesh, do it, because it will save you aggravation later in other uses of your object. I started messing with the sculpt mode now,too, since I saw a demonstration of making a human head by Venomsevenx, and he got a lot done with the short cut keys and hiding the mesh.
Good job so far! :yes:

Here’s the mostly finished eye.
I’m using “evil” triangles to make a crease on the top eyelid.


hey nothing wrong with thiangles if they work for you. Quads are usually best, but that doesn’t mean triangles are all bad.
If you want to avoid the triangles though, you could try to crease them with shift E, or press N and enter the values through the transform dialogue.

Thanks for the tip.
I had forgotten about creases.
Do you think that one is easier to animate than the other?

Here’s the eyes pasted on to the head.

Not good.


Check this link, probably you will find it useful:

That does look useful.
Thank you for the link.

Here’s another nose pasted on.
This one has a spiral that goes inside and up.


Turning on ambient occlusion makes it easier for me to visualize the shapes.


The chin or jaw area is too long “looks like hes trying to bite into an apple from a branch, when hes still tied to a tree” :slight_smile:

Otherwise good going!