Sculpting a sad face

I found a beautiful drawing on Artstation by a great artist called Gabriel Soares, featuring the Joker. I am trying to convert it to a 3D model, but I cannot capture the feeling of sadness as he does. What am I doing wrong?


The mouth is okay, and the eyes need the most work.

The angularity of the eyelids (esp. the flatness of the bottom lid) in the concept art seem to give a harshness/sadness to the face, so I would try to emulate that more… those of your model are a little too rounded.

The concept has highlights over the upper-right of the iris (on the cornea, actually), while yours has it on the lower-left. This is really just a shading issue, but besides that highlight there are others that suggest tears forming, or ‘watery eyes’. Incorporating that effect could help.

More importantly, I think, are the eyebrows. Just angling (bending or ‘bowing’) them up a bit more where they meet in the middle of the brow should add a bit of angst to the expression.

The tip of the nose could be moved up a bit, and offset to the right (along with the center-point of the mouth) to get that impression of sniveling, again, suggesting sadness rather than something like subtle anger or simple disinterest.

Hope that helps, and good work so far!


I would do something like this before starting to sculpt it is very fast takes around 5 minutes just separate major shapes play with them and have fun

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with enough play you can get it to 90% like this and then it’s really easy to finish the last 10%


Thank you for your advise. I have improved it a lot. Here is the final results

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Also after adding textures

I have developed a modifier setup, that can help in creating a more painterly look, if that’s what you’Re going for. Also I think going experimental with Eevees new ShaderToRGB-Node and some Color Ramps to create less realistic highlights and shadows might help in recreating a more painterly style.

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