Hello, everybody! How are you?
This is my first post here, so I want to introduce myself:
I’m from the video game world. I have been using 3D Max for about a decade now, creating low poly models, collisions, grey boxes for level design and other basic forms for PC games we developed at Saibot Studios.
But this year I started working as a solo developer and I decided to move to Blender. Btw, I’m loving it so far!
I recently made a full game for a jam called Out of Bounds, it’s free on Itch.io. All the 3D there was made in Blender. Super basic stuff though, but they were all made in only 7 days together with the logic and sound effects.
So I wanted to enter in the sculpting area, did some research and found the add-on BSpheres by @mifth (based on the ZSpheres from Z Brush):
What I loved about it is that you can build a base mesh from the Edit Mode, just like creating a low poly. And once you’re ready, you can get into Sculpt Mode with a solid base.
Here’s what I did in one entire day:
And this is how it looks like in Edit Mode with X Ray, just some vertices connected like if they were bones:
The addon has some limitations and bugs, but it works pretty well for what I was looking for: just a base pose of my character to start sculpting on
I’ve already started doing the sculpting, I’ll be posting the progress in the replies below as soon as I have some interesting progress.
Do you guys have any suggestion about sculpting a character? I mean like references of anatomy or any specific tutorial video. I’m just using all I found on You Tube and Google Images
Thank you, guys! Take care!