Sculpting is too stiff and dosent work well

the sculpt tool not actually sculpt for me. they work only on vertices points and they simply just shrink the face of the vertices i select. i tried adding more vertices but with no luck. when i see videos on youtube i see people really sculpt their model in detail, however i cant do that

There’s a few options here- the easiest is to turn Dyntopo on, there’s a checkbox for it in your header :slight_smile:

i have another problem with the sculpt tool. it deforms my object, when i try to effect one side it effects the other as well.

Hi, it sounds you might have some sculpt symmetry settings enabled:

Toolbar > Tool > Symmetry

its not enabled yet its still doing that

Is any of your object’s Scale axises a value other then the default 1.0 value?
If so try applying scale: CTRL + A → Scale.

Additionally, if you’re choosing the direction type, “Subtract,” it’s going to push the sculpted mesh towards the other side:

Imagine a bullet embedding into a wall.

ok and last question. why do my mesh become so wrinkly when i sculpt it and how to solve this? (besides shade smooth)

Besides the object display type of shade smooth, there is the Dyntopo setting, “Smooth Shading.”

Toolbar → Tool → Dyntopo → Smooth Shading