I use Blender for sculpting characters, but I have trouble with two things. First, I don’t know how to add detail. I can make a rough shape pretty well, but I find it difficult to add details like hair, clothes, flat spots, etc. Also hands, mostly the fingers, give me lots of trouble. Another thing I struggle with are textures. I asked on Blender Stackexchange about a week prior about how to get textures to paint correctly, and avoid artifacts. Essentially, I’d paint on one part of the model, and tiny bits would bleed onto another random part of the model. I used Smart UV Project to unwrap, and included margins.
On an unrelated note, one thing that bugs me is the weird topology I get when I finish. The triangles are just scattered, and I’d like for them to be in rows like a grid, the sort of result you’d get when doing box modeling. I don’t know how to fix this.
Here is an example (Charmander from Pokemon):
I can only provide one example right now, and it’s not the best example, but I will add more later.
The workflow for sculpting is basically modeling a basic base mesh, sculpting on a low resolution to get the shape right and increasing the resolution as more detail is needed. Once sculpting is done you can retopologize the mesh to get clean topology and then move on to texturing.
I think you have a problem with the density of the dynotopo, you should start with a low density but if you want details, you have start using more dense topology, Then when you feel it is done, you can make a retopology, and in that new mesh you can have a multires modifier, and sculpt the fine detail.
use matcap
also check emulate 3 button mouse under preferences input
this will allow you to hold the alt key to orbit I find using the middle mouse click during sculpting a pain
turn on dynotopo set it to 4
check smooth shading
use the f key to change size of the brush
use shift+F to change the hardness of the brush
keep in mind you cannot use multi-resolution when using dynotopo so you might want to smooth your shape with sub-surf and apply before going to sculpt with dynotopo
So my question… Im am currently working on a human model and was curios about something. I plan on animating my model, is sculpting his face a good idea??