This is a sculptmode test I did with the latest version of blender cvs. I must say that blender is incredible. Sculpt mode is great.
Anyway, this is a test to see if I can model only using the sculpt tool on a cube. I didn’t use anything but the sculpt tool on a cube and didn’t touch the mesh tools once throughout the process. It could have been more detailed but I didn’t really have an idea about what I was going to model and so I just went with the flow. i could have done the ears and could have added more detail. BTW, this is also my first post in this forum. I hope to post more stuff in the future.
great! Like it allot. Like that it isnt sad or angry or old. Better than I have done yet. did you use a tablet? I have been loving using mine. Got it for Christmas
Nope, just straight mouse. I do have one though. Don’t really use it much.
IanC: Thanks for the welcome, Wow you guys respond quick. This was only a test to see how far i could get using sculpt mode without using a base mesh. A great test it is. i hope to post better stuff than. This was just an afternoon romp through blender cvs. I will keep your suggestions in mind for the next one though.
using a mesh tool would probably require more setup, but it would be faster in the end since I would be adding detail not creating it it from scratch. I just wanted to see how far I could get without touching anything but the sculptmode. I do have to admit that this took me far less time than if I would have modeled the head straight on. I’m extremely awful at figuring out edgeloops and stuff so I usually take longer using the meshtools since I’m usually mving stuff around so that it can make sense.