
I was playing with the xml file and discovered the fake DOF (2D) still functions (i’m not sure why I hadn’t tried it before) and it is very fast. also all of the other features seem to work as well. I was running some old yable files through the new yafray and they were fine.

anyway this image (among many) or a version of this is going to be part of a proposal for a public sculpture. I want it to look like it is a model.

C&C welcome.

The only thing I could suggest is placing something in there for scale.

Acording the DOF I’d say it’s 40 cm long :wink:

Nice lighting, BTW.

Nice design.

I agree with K1lljoy about placing somehting else in there for scale purposes.


I agree with placing something in for scale but my problem is my audience. they are an “art audience” so what ever I place in for scale they will think it’s part of the proposal, if I put a coffee cup in they will ask “are you going to make a large coffee cup?” (see my problem?) I was thinking maybe a pencil mostly out of shot, but then it looks like bad framing but maybe that’s better then confusion. I hoped the blur and the camera angle was enough. one out of three is not a bad return. I suppose a large wood grain on the table surface would do the trick. any suggestions?

he heh :slight_smile: even before I read the text of your post I thought this looks very “architectural” :slight_smile: … I mean it looked very much like a tiny model of the type made by a friend who is studying architecture :slight_smile: We had fun times discussing architecture … except when when I got to proposing stuff that just wouldn’t work in “the real world” :stuck_out_tongue:
Kewl rendering too.

I like it very much! Can you please explain a bit more about that fake DOF? or if you know a link that explains how to do it?

thanks in advance!

personally, I think that it looks fine the way it is; I can see somehow that it is a miniature. Thats pretty cool! Nice render.

I like it! If it’s small, it could be for a bonsai(you know, small trees)…The only “problem” I have is the shadow, too sharp…

Looks like some type of architectural model. I like the texturing on the roof pieces. If thats what those are. And the comment about the shadow being too sharp would be accurate but we don’t know where the light source is that causing it.

thanks for the comments,

they are very useful.

did another render with a wood suface to sit on before I read these comments, I’m not sure I like it as much, even though it does what it’s supposed to do, which is make it look small. looking at it I think it goes back to far and now that it has “floor” as a surface image why is does it drop off? argh!

from the comments I think I don’t need it anyway.

yes those are going to be slate tile (it’s part of the guidelines of the project) the texturing is me figuring out how to use UV in a more precise way. I found the export UV face layout button and got excited

the Fake DOF is a filter put on at the end of the render. there is the documentation area of yafray’s website that talks about it. the particular page is,
it gives the command and what everything means and the advantages and disadvantages of it’s use. very clear.

I like this new render and the camera position is better IMO too.

Just do a higher samples render to get a better resloution and you will have a winner.


I just finished up a couple of renders and photoshoping it to send out.

That’s pretty cool! But won’t the clients be annoyed when you can’t show them the real model? No way they’re gonna believe that it’s computer generated :smiley:

that’s what my wife thought. It made me nervous enough to state in writing it was a drawing. :smiley: