Sd Kfz 173 "JagdPanther", 1944. (big images)

Heres something I’ve worked on for quite a while. I initially modelled it in 2-3 days, but as always I get caught up in UV-mapping and especially the final quality of the render.
This is just a “model”. I do plan to put it into a scene sometime this summer :wink:

It’s a Sd Kfz 173 “JagdPanther”, 1944. (tank-destroyer).

Im not really into WW2 stuff but I think this tank is a beast.
Modelled in Blender 2.41 and rendered in Yafray CVS
About 1.5 hour a render. - ever so slight post-pro in The Gimp.
Heres some trivia on it:
5 men
Maybach HL 230 P 30 / 12-cylinder / 700hp
Road: 46km/h
Cross-Country: 24km/h
Range:Road: 210km
Cross-Country: 140km
Fuel Capacity:
700 litres Length:6.86m (w/o the gun)
9.86m (with the gun)
3.28m (w/o aprons)
3.42m (with aprons)
88mm Pak 43/3 L/71 & 1 x MG34 7.92mm
(1 x MG34 - hull)
88mm - 57-60 rounds
7.92mm - 3000 rounds

Hi res:

Hi res:

Hi res:

C&C welcome as usual :slight_smile:

crazily good :eek: 5 stars from me

:slight_smile: Excellent Work!! Was it done with blender interner renderer ?

voc007: hehe, all images say ‘rendered in Yafray CVS’ :).

Claws, that’s a really great model and the textures are superb. Well done!

beautiful modeling.
Can’t wait for that larger scene!

0_0… crazy texturization! awsome

Wow, this is one the best works I’ve seen done in Blender, great modelling, great texturing and great lighting ! 5 starts for me, waiting for the inclusion of it in the Forum gallery !

Thank you very much everyone! :stuck_out_tongue: Im really glad you liked it.
For some reason the first image linked to a lower resolution image :confused: and now photobucket mangles the image horribly - I’ll keep trying.

Again thx for the comments!

It always amazed me how people can deal with such complex models such as tangs with all the nastiness like tracks…

Brilliant model

Extremely well modelled and textured. There is one thing though… I can’t see if it’s dirt or rust at the end of the pipe. You could work some at that area.

:slight_smile: Hi Claws, it is a nice model, well done.

Can you show some wireframes? Lighting setup/settings?

Alvaro: Sure :slight_smile:

The lighting is really basic - I tried many other combos but sunlight (ray shadow) + GI with HDR image gave the best result. Shake and bake lighting:p

Yafray settings:
Pixel filter size: 1.0 (gives a more crisp render)
AA: 4/8
Cached Full GI: low quality - no photons (I’ve found that it’s good enough for most renders - depending on the eyes looking)
Shadow qual. 0.925
Prec: 5
Refinement: 0.500

The 3 last parameters really increase rendertimes but also tunes the shadows slightly - it’s really a “rendertimes versus quality” thing.

[kothe] it was supposed to be smoke-residue from firing the gun but I must have selected a brighter color in the gimp by mistake when painting it - now it’s just dirt/smoke-resi. :slight_smile:


beautiful work. i’ve modelled a few (russian) tanks myself, and i know how much work a project like this is.