Heres something I’ve worked on for quite a while. I initially modelled it in 2-3 days, but as always I get caught up in UV-mapping and especially the final quality of the render.
This is just a “model”. I do plan to put it into a scene sometime this summer
It’s a Sd Kfz 173 “JagdPanther”, 1944. (tank-destroyer).
Im not really into WW2 stuff but I think this tank is a beast.
Modelled in Blender 2.41 and rendered in Yafray CVS
About 1.5 hour a render. - ever so slight post-pro in The Gimp.
Heres some trivia on it: Weight:45500kg
Crew:5 men
Engine: Maybach HL 230 P 30 / 12-cylinder / 700hp
Speed:Road: 46km/h
Cross-Country: 24km/h Range:Road: 210km
Cross-Country: 140km
Fuel Capacity:700 litres Length:6.86m (w/o the gun)
9.86m (with the gun)
Width:3.28m (w/o aprons)
3.42m (with aprons)
Armament:88mm Pak 43/3 L/71 & 1 x MG34 7.92mm
(1 x MG34 - hull)
Ammo:88mm - 57-60 rounds
7.92mm - 3000 rounds
Wow, this is one the best works I’ve seen done in Blender, great modelling, great texturing and great lighting ! 5 starts for me, waiting for the inclusion of it in the Forum gallery !
Thank you very much everyone! Im really glad you liked it.
For some reason the first image linked to a lower resolution image and now photobucket mangles the image horribly - I’ll keep trying.
Extremely well modelled and textured. There is one thing though… I can’t see if it’s dirt or rust at the end of the pipe. You could work some at that area.
The lighting is really basic - I tried many other combos but sunlight (ray shadow) + GI with HDR image gave the best result. Shake and bake lighting:p
Yafray settings:
Pixel filter size: 1.0 (gives a more crisp render)
AA: 4/8
Cached Full GI: low quality - no photons (I’ve found that it’s good enough for most renders - depending on the eyes looking)
Shadow qual. 0.925
Prec: 5
Refinement: 0.500
The 3 last parameters really increase rendertimes but also tunes the shadows slightly - it’s really a “rendertimes versus quality” thing.
[kothe] it was supposed to be smoke-residue from firing the gun but I must have selected a brighter color in the gimp by mistake when painting it - now it’s just dirt/smoke-resi.