A sly dragon that devours the lost and the greedy.
Made over a few days after watching a blendercookie tutorial.
I’m quite pleased with the result, but I would really appreciate some constructive criticism.
Rendered in blender cycles at 2000 samples. Render time 04:00:16.91
No real post-processing, but the lazy gradient was made in Gimp.
Here are some zoomed in shots of the two goblins; barbecue and dessert respectively.

Feel free to ignore the following, but I couldn’t help making a lengthy description of the dragon.
The Seanot (or Seenot) dragon is of a variety that grows to such great size that it cannot achieve flight under its own power. As the dragon matures, and then grows old it will make a nest, usually within a small cave set into rock similar to the colour of its wings, in which it will reside, the large skin flaps between it’s batlike digits covering the entrance in a most convincing manner. It is from this camouflage that the ‘see-not’ gets it’s name.
The elderly Seanot is primarily an ambush predator, parting it’s wings and pushing forward it’s head to snap up nearby prey, or shoot jets of flame at more wary creatures. Like many dragons, the Seanot eats it’s victims whole, or in large chunks, roasting the unfortunate creature within it’s mouth. Agents in the dragon’s saliva peel flesh from bone in seconds and the Seanot spits out only bones and metal. What is interesting about the Seanot is it’s relationship to gold. Large Seanots, possessing large nests of gold and immense physical power have been observed leaving bait. Having recently devoured a hapless goblin or a lost merchant and spitting out a small sum of gold coins or jewelry, most dragons use the soft metal to line their nests. However, certain Seanots, usually found near small settlements, leave the gold as it falls, maintaining small amounts uncovered and glittering, so as to attract the attention of small groups. Goblins are particularly susceptable to such tactics.
The Seanot is of an undeniably sentient intelligence. Considered one of the wisesest of it’s kin, there are many reports of civilised talking Seanots, several coming from personal encounters. In fact, there are rumours of an educated and scholarly old Seanot living in a great library to the west, feeding on sheep that are tended by the librarians.
Seanot hunting is considered of unwise at best. The anatomy of the Seanot is unremarkable. It has neither the most beautiful, nor the toughest of dragonhides, and all accounts find it’s flesh unappetising and it’s bones devoid use. Although baby Seanots are considered fair game by both beasts and their kin, and are occasionally hunted for sport, there are only a half dozen accounts of the successful hunting of their adult counterparts. Mature Seanots will not ambush large groups of goblins, let alone knights, but they are fierce nonetheless, and cunning. Seanots have been known to seek revenge in large numbers, and it is said that no killer of Seanot has died peacefully.