Searching for a 3D printable robot hand


I’am currently searching for a 3D model of a robot hand. I need it to create a trophy and would like to be able to 3D print it with a resin printer.

I’am searching for a model that looks approximativly like this one:

Even if i know how to model a bit in blender, i think this will be too hard for me :blush: . Does anyone knows where i could find a modle like this ? Or anyone could help for the modelisation?

Thank you !

Really ???

Hum… Thank you for the proposition Okidoki, for all those models that i’ve already seen but, as you can see, (if you have some experience in 3D printing i mean), no one of them is in a 3D printable state. All those models are composed of multiple objects, for some certainly non manifold.

You are right i used the wrong sites:

and also this might not match your reference… but maybe you got the idea ?