Sébastien Briat

We’re not going to run out of Uranium, they’ll just start harvesting it from the oceans when it becomes to difficult/expensive/rare to mine it. I think there is enough there to last a hundred years or so, surely enough time to find another clean electricity source (or at least build some to harvest the renewable energy that’s always been around).

Bet you didn’t know that was possible, eh? Kind of interesting how much stuff can be mined from ocean water.

Canadian reactors can’t melt down… it’s become pretty safe. The spent uranium can be used for space-efficient radioactive batteries, but I think we’re a bit squeamish about releasing nuclear waste for consumer use, no matter how safe it is.

As much as I think the “containers aren’t safe talk” is bull I’ll use my own ignorance and say I’d rather not carry around nuclear waste in my ipod 8th generation (yes, I said eighth because they won’t be out for a while)…


if everyone put solar captor on their roof, it will cover all (and even more) the private electric consumption, it represents 1/3 of the total electrecity produced.

Geothermal could be used for bigger needs.

Wind power could be used as supplement.

The key is that you don’t produce energy for yourself, but your production is added to the main electric distribution. If you have no wind or sun, somebody else will, and he will automaticly share his production with you :slight_smile:

Night is not a problem, the excess produced during the day is used to fill a barage, or produce hydrogen, and then you can produce electricity during the night.

all of this is feasible, but not in one day :S

You obviously don’t live anywhere near the pacific northwest.

The sun only shines in the summer and latter half of the spring. Maybe once or twice a week in fall and and winter. The rest of the time it either rains, or it’s fully overcast.

we need fusion energy. we can get the needed fuel out of seawater. and it delivers more than enough energy for everyone. and its relatively clean. fusion all the way.