Secluded Hideaway

Hi there

This picture is the result of an exercise to improve my modeling/compositing/cycles skills in blender.

The low and high grass were created with particles.
For the trees around the hut and the ivy I used the Sapling and IvyGen addons, whereas the plants further back are bitmaps on simple planes.
The chimney smoke and waterfall mist were added with the Blender compositor using render layers with particles.
Cycles 350 samples, Post in Blender / GIMP
Hope you like it…

The outdoors looks very good, perhaps reworking the cave material and shaders would give the foreground rocks a better matching look.

Thanks for your input.
I see your point - the sandstone and white background materials seem to be odd in a natural setting… Most obvious now that you’re making me aware of it.
I guess I’m going to try out some other, more matching materials here in some spare time. Thanks

I like the scene a lot. I would not change it. It feels like a secret passage to a harmonic seclusion.

I do find the colors a bit off. I did a quick photoshop how it might be improved.

Thanks bigbad
Your go at it really improved the overall look. The increased contrast puts the focus much more on the image center with the hut, which is where the viewers’ eye should be led.
I’m always astonished how a ‘fresh’ pair of eyes can push a project further…

nice modeling on the far wall