This is my second pass at my first WIP. Thank you to those who replied the first time around. I ended up completely rebuilding my model because it was disproportionate. I also added relfections and fixed up the background per your suggestions.
Please let me know what you think, and thanks for the feedback!
Thanks goes to BgDM for suggesting I render it larger and then shrink it down to get rid of some alias artifacts. I had the OSA all the way at 16 and still got artifacts :(. I also blurred it just a tad while it was larger so that it softened the edges a bit.
Hey guys, thanks again for all your feedback! I am posting my last attempt at the glasses complete with screws (two at each joint like on my oakley’s) and nose pads… I also learned how to convert nurbs curves to a mesh even when they were modified with a lattice.
I think this is my last shot at it since I am kind of getting burnt out on the glasses But please write any comments you have so I can take a better stab at my next project.
Vidigiani: Looks really good with the extra little things added. Only crit would eb to turn down the energy of the Hemi to about 0.75-0.8. Too much light in the image. I Need those sunglasses to get rid of the glare from my screen (j/k) . But definitely turn the enrgy down a bit.
Hehe I am waiting for inspiration to strike If it doesn’t then I will probably model either a Lamborghini Diablo or a Curtiss P-40 (an old figher plane).
I used to do somewhat aweful Lamborghini Diablos in Milkshape3d… but blenders features should make it a lot easier