ok im slowly learning this game blender, very cool. Ive got the basic dynamic thing down where I have a box and a ball and the ball drops down, bounces a tad then settles on the cube. I put some materials on it and check it by hitting z, and I changed the restitution setting so it doesnt bounce all day. My question is, how do I see it all textured or colored in realtime? I put the camera view on and hit z for textured view and can see the textures, however when I hit “p” to run it the objects all go white. What am I missing? Thanks
Once you’ve assign texture on your objects, use “alt+Z” BEFORE
pressing the P key.
Z key -> toggle boundbox/wireframe/solid/shaded
alt + Z -> textured
You can use the “drawtype icon” too.
Keep blending
thanks for the reply, but that still doesnt work. Blue and white now
ok I’m sorry if this is a dumb question, but how did you apply your materials? The game engine requires either Face painting, Vertex painting or UV maps. Did you by chance apply your materials by using the material buttons? (they don’t work for the game engine)
Hopefully in the full enji they will work, along with particles, shadows, halos, constraints, and envmapping!
dreamsgate. Yes I did apply them with the materials button. I cant find any tutorials beyond the basic ones at blender nl. If u dont mind could u give me a quick explanation of how to apply materials for the game engine? Thanks
You can’t use textured materials in the game engine…
If you want textures to appear in realtime then you have to UV texture them onto your mesh…
Here’s a list of tutorials, you should be able to find a good UV texturing one there…
yea, OTO has a really good char tut that also does textureing its really good.
thanks ill check it out