Seeking python Volunteers for a Blender add-on

Hey there!

My name is Qvarsken and I’m an animator with 1+ years of experiences. I’ve been using Blender for more than 5 years so I am very familiar with Blender and how it works.

I’ve under the past months created a model pack that contains more than 300 models. Now I need to turn the file into an add-on there you can access every model under the “Add”-menu ( shift -> a ). There’re just one problem: I know absolutely zero about code.

I’m looking for volunteers to help me make my models into an add-on. Anyone from beginner to expert can help but I want you to know the basics in Python. If I counted correctly, there will be a few hundred lines of code. I won’t be able to pay you, but 50% of the income will go directly to you.

If you have any questions, or want to help, please email me at [email protected]. It would be awesome if you could include some of your work in the email.

If you know anyone that is interested, please let them know. Thanks.

Do you really need a custom addon for this?

  1. You can link/append assets from an external blender file already (shift + F1)
  2. Have you seen the asset manager addon?

Yes, it’s over 300 models and I want to make it possible to access them quickly.


Are you still interested in a volunteer?
I’d be happy to help you, I just need a bit more information.

So far I understand you want your models to be in some form of list? I’ve created addons before and it can be tricky I’ve done it long enough to be fairly easy now.

Do you want it to be in the tool bar or ‘3D View’ side panel, or in the ‘object’ or ‘scene’ panel…etc.

I am not expecting any kind of payment (Other developers sometimes do.), However I would like credit for the code. If you do pay me, that for me, would be a bonus and not expected.

I’ll email you directly in case if you do not see this message.
Also I’ll adjust the direct email message to contain my email (I don’t want bots to auto-email me…) as well.

Sent you an email.