Seems like 2.47 RC1 is out...?

Hi… usually i don´t create posts like this, i actually dislike posts that only create confusion without waiting for official announcements…

But this morning in my habitual surfing the web for news on the geek world, i founf on the Majorgeeks page that Blender 2.47 RC1 is out (at least ready for download)… Then, searching for official anouncement, i can’t fing anything.

Anyway, if you are curious (sure you are), here’s the link…

what happens if you download it from the links above. i cant test because they are for windows.

I don’t think it has been officially announced yet. Better wait a while before builds for all supported platforms have become available and the build is launched.

check graphicall. If I remember correctly the current hot branch was 2.47.

I didn’t think they were doing 2.47 – in fact, they weren’t even originally going to do 2.46. It was supposed to be 2.45 --> 2.50.

well… apparently you will have a shiny Blender 2.47RC1 :slight_smile:

Splash screen (and about) still shows 2.46 numbering and the bbb image… but at the top menu, it shows 2.47 numbering…

So for me it seems like actually we have 2.47RC1 out! :slight_smile:

There is going to be 2.47. It’s going to contain mostly bug fixes. There has been some speculation of 2.48 but most likely course of action is that development focus will be on 2.50 next. It is hard to approximate when it will be ready as the work has not really started properly yet. But an optimistic guess would be sometime next year before August hopefully depending on how things go.

Yeah, I knew that there would be a 2.47. But I think that should be the last release before 2.50. I’m not rushing 2.50, as I am willing to wait until next year as long as they do the release properly and it lives up to the hype. I don’t download the RC’s because I don’t know what I’m doing half the time. So I’ll just wait until the official release comes out (sometime this or next month?).

AFAIK, final 2.47 (bugfix version) is intended to be out before this year’s Siggraph (11-15 august)… and again, AFAIK, there’ll be a 2.48 version which will be Apricot’s developing product.

Here is more information

ahem fixed. :smiley:

2.43 - 2.50?? Really? I wasn’t aware of that. . But I’m anxious to see 2.50!! And I can’t wait for Siggraph.

I’d rather see 2.5 done when it’s done, rather than see a rushed out 2.51, 2.51a, etc a month or two later. Can go to 2.49 in the meantime for all I care, I trust the Devs know what they are doing.

hmm… this thread got out off topic… apologizes to the admins for creating this kind of discussions.

imo, it would be better if 2.48 or 9 was the next major release. or go straight to blender-4.

Yeah, and why not Blender 2009!

yeah blender 2009 lol

Warning to Windows users…
2.47 version has game engine disabled for some reason so if your a BGE dont bother until someone ‘re-enables’ it. Am I right in assuming that most of the development done in blender is on linux and then ported to windows as there seems to be more compatibility bugs for windows users. I do hope us poor windows users arent forgotton…we’ve got enough problems as it is!!! lol :slight_smile:

well, am really happy as windows user… years ago it was really lower the win support. There are popping blender win builds constantly… heck, how I’d love this to happen in some other open source projects… Anyway, ubuntu 64 bits is calling me strongly lately… I guess here are many users like me, that while having access to linuxes (at work, etc) find confortable a win build as well.