Seg fault when loading backgroundpic

Warning: I’m a newb to Blender. :wink:

I’m trying to load a background image into a view, ala the logo tutorials, and when I hit shift-f7, I get the “backgroundpic” button. I select it, then when I hit load Blender crashes (segmentation fault).

Sometimes, I get the file browser up for a moment before the crash, once or twice even long enough to begin to browse, then it crashed.

I’m running 2.23 in Linux (Gentoo), 2.4.20 kernel, however I have tried an older version too, same problem. It just occured to me that I have an older Debian install on this PC too, I’ll try that and update the post.

*Update: I tried it on the Debian Woody system - works fine, but I still can’t get it working on this Gentoo install. It seems likely that I’m missing a dependancy here…sigh

Any thoughts would be appreciated - I’ve been googling like crazy over this, to no avail.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

It probably has some problem writing the thumbnail preview file to disk.

What you can do instead is load the picture in the image window (Shift-F10) with the Fileselector button (without preview). That’s the one without anything written on it next to Load (little hint: whenever there’s a Load button for an image, there’s usually a text-less button next to it. That button loads without preview).
Then, go back to the view buttons (Shift-F7) and select the image you just loaded from the “-” pulldown button next to LOAD (there’s also a button like this when creating an image texture).

hope this helps,

You hit it right on the nose, Martin. Thanks!

It seems as though I had a couple files owned by “root” in my home directory that Blender got upset about. :wink:

Thank you very much for the reply.