I’m coming from a Cinema 4D background, and was able to catch on quick with C4D’s user interface. But every time I try to start a project in Blender, I feel like I’m fighting the interface and prevented from doing what I can quickly do in C4D.
So, I have a simple box and multi-object logo on the same layer. I’ve been able to group the logo, but then I moved that group within the box. Now, I’d like to keyframe that group to emerge from within the box. I wish I could see my grouped logo within the scene in outliner, but all of those objects within the “group” are still independent of any folder in the scene view.
So, I’m not sure how to select multiple objects easily (like select one, then shift select another further down, and have them all be selected). And when I have selected each individually, I can’t find the option to transform them all at once. So, when I switch to the group view in outliner, it still seems to only select one object at a time to move it. Is there not a way to select exact values (x, y, z) for an entire group?
Just the user interface in outliner is pushing me away from blender. I feel like being able to get quickly, intuitively organized is a lot of my job. Can anyone help with these simple tasks?
To show groups set the outliner to show groups.
Select the group in the outliner and it will select all the objects in the group which you can then translate/rotate etc as a single group with the specific pivot point you have selected to use
Is there not a way to select exact values (x, y, z) for an entire group?
What does this mean ? Move an entire group ? Select it and move it like any other object. To move x units along the X axis use G X x
In group view, I have selected the group, but there is a little circle on top of one of the data symbols. And I have no idea how to access a panel that has x, y, z values for a group. When I select the object icon under outliner, i see values for that object. But I don’t know how to find that kind of info for an entire group.
If I could select multiple objects and move one thing, like their x location, then that might work as well. But I don’t know if that’s possible either.
Is that the only option? Is it not possible to keyframe a group of objects? Can you select hundreds of objects and parent them with one selection, or would you have to parent them one at a time?
EDIT: Thanks. I’ve got them parented now. Man, I wonder why they coded it to work like this instead of being able to manipulate a single object on it’s own, but then also manipulate the group that it’s a part of so that the object does moves in both contexts.
Being long-time Blender users, is there any hope for getting user interface options changed down the road, or do you think this is just how it is? I’m trying to use it so I can save some money, but I would change so much about the interface and functionality if I could code.