Started diving into rigging a bit. I have a bunch of objects parented to a bone. How can I select all objects that a parented to a specific bone.
Thank you in advance!
Thank you. This selects objects parented to armature. In my armature I have several bones with multiple objects parented to each. I would like to select objects parentend to one of the bones.
Easy select the object then select select> grouped >Parent.
This is still not what I am after
There are also relationship lines showing the relation/ connections.
A screenshot will help us to understand what you want.
Like i said select the middle bone shift G select children.
Also the outliner will show the children.
In my situation “select>Select grouped>(shift-G) children” selects all cubes. And I need to select only parented to middle bone (Bone.002)
I was thinking it would be possible to select the bone in Pose mode, then shift-G, but that give only these options:
You will probably have to unlink the bones to do that.
Well that does what I need, akwardly tho
Thank you very much!!!
See this thread.