Selecting Meshes and Armatures

I don’t know if this is a bug or not, but I’m having issues selecting both meshes and armatures in Blender 2.80. I’m trying to select a mesh and an armature to link together, but It doesn’t want to work. And neither does the weight painting mode for some reason.

link together as in to make the armature to generate auto weights to the mesh?

if so select the mesh first, and then the armature, then hit control + P- select auto weights.

That’s the easy part. The hard part is trying to edit the weights afterwards. I can’t see which bone whose weight I’m supposed to be re-weighting because it won’t select for me.

In the Edit menu, uncheck “Lock Object Modes”. Then you’ll be able to put your armature in pose mode, select the mesh and go into weight painting mode on it, and ctrl-click bones to pick the one you’re painting.

Figured it out, thanks.