Selecting Multiple Vertex's on a Single Plane

Yeah sorry if the title is a bit vague.

I’m trying to figure out how I can select several vertex’s on a single plane through Box Selection. I’m not sure how to explain it any better then that so I’m just going to tell you what I did to my screen.

I’m doing 3D Modeling and drew a front and side picture of a basic person. I used a basic cube and split it in half along the origin. I deleted the vertices on the left side of the origin and then mirrored the object to get the model more proportional. So right now I have a long rectangle with 6 vertices (I turned on editing cage mode which is why i have 6). When I go to select the vertices in Edit Mode (in right ortho) via the B button it only selects the 2 outer vertices and not the inner 1. I’ve checked pretty much anywhere I can look and am not 100% familiar with Modeling terminology. A setting or tip is much appreciated.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Press Z for wireframe or deselect this button


Thanks a ton, I knew it was something small like that.