Selecting Object in Viewport Does Not Update the Outliner and Attribute Manager


I’m trying to modify a bone by selecting it in the viewport.
But the outliner and the attribute manager does not update.

The outliner should highlight the bone selected (In this case Bone.062)
And update the attribute manager (currently it is still in leg_l)

You can see an illustration of the problem here:

Is there a way around this?

That’s something that’s been added recently thanks to Nathan Craddock and his gsoc mentors, should be in the newest 2.81 builds -


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Looking forward to it.
Although I need to wait for its final release. I couldn’t risk using it in a production.

Thanks for the information @dan2.

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I completely understand your concern.

I usually keep both stable 2.80 and daily 2.81 (as well as 2.79 for some scenarios) on during production - it’s just to tempting too miss out on things like outliner, denoiser comp node and voxel remesher, just to name a few added just last week. Fast autosave and quick copy/paste between sessions always minimizes the casualties. :slight_smile:

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