I made this tiny add-on in order to prevent the selection of certain types of objects in the 3D viewport. It exists in maya and it’s useful when you are posing a character, for instance and you don’t want to accidentally grab a light or a mesh.
Daaaamn ! haha, I was sure someone already did such thing ! It’s something you can’t live without when working on Maya.
Although, not to sound picky but… this one don’t mess with the outliner’s restriction selection.
Example : If you are working on a scene and already defined a set of objects you don’t want to grab unwillingly (like the ground, for instance). Then you turn ON the addon to pose a character, making sure you can only grab bones. When finished, addon OFF, everything is back the way it was previously. The ground is still untouchable. … yea I know… not a big difference :o
Yeah, Looch I saw it too late, JoseConseco pointed it out. Sorry for that. Anyway, neither the author of ‘selection restrictor’ or I have anything to sell, so it’s all good. And the two scripts have their differences. I think all of us who touched maya can’t live without selection constraint.
Yeah tell me about it, i was waiting for it for years, in any case what i meant is to instead of having two people do the same addon join forces and do just one that is more debugged, better featured or that just needs less time from both of you to maintain =)