Selection of close vertices issue with transform gizmo

Hi Guy’s,

First i am not sure what happen bu i was sure i made that thread earlier today but it wasn’t showing anywhere so i make another one about it.

This issue i am having is trying to select 2 vertices that are close to each other and are enclosed by the transform gizmo like in the picture here;

It will only work if i zoom in so the transform gizmo do not enclose both or if a disable the gizmo.

I think that it would be nice if we could only reduce the size of the gizmo with - or+ instead of disrupting the workflow by zooming closer or disabling the gizmo.

Maybe there is another option i am not yet aware so feel free to inform us.

don’t have this problem in many modes
I mean with wire or xray!

I can select anything anywhere

happy bl

This is why I don’t use the gizmos at all. It’s a nightmare.

In certain occasion i like them but in other i simply disable them, in max i was able to change the gizmo size but disabling the gizmo with a hotkey is similar.

I tried other 2.8 versions and i have the same issue but it is logical from the way the gizmo work since the white circle is a hot area where you can move the vertices around so it make selecting close vertices enclose by the circle impossible.

I must try it again. I suppose I’m just too used to the Max gizmo.

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Thank a bunch and this would be perfect if we could assign - and + to hotkey so we can adjust on the fly.

I wonder how hard it will be to do this in python?

Did you ever find an answer to this? I’m able to select verts through the transform gizmo on one install of Blender, but on my other PC I cant. So I’ve changed an option somewhere that allows you to do it. I just dont know what that is. I do know it’s something in the key mapping options though.

No unfortunately i still disable them when i need to select vertices.

I am only having issues selecting close vertices when “press” is enabled for “activate gizmo” in the preferences. With “drag” everything is fine.


Well spotted! Works as expected now.:+1: