Hi, newb question.
When I select an object and then use ‘selection to cursor’ the object disappears from the 3d veiw.
The cursor appeared to be in the centre of the grid prior to this.
The object is still shown in the outliner panel and I have only 1 layer.
Any ideas anyone?
Check the position of the 3d curser in the properties panel. If it’s outside the 3d view clip end distance you won’t be able to see any objects in its location.
Did you do this in object or edit mode. If edit mode then all the vertices of the object will be in one single tiny point. In this case use ‘Selection to Curser (offset)’
Blend file ?
Yup, just realised that I did ‘selection to cursor’ in vertices edit mode and all the vertices headed for the cursor.(face/palm)
Anyway of undoing it?
Thanks for response.
Edit: sorry for time wasting, have just hit ‘controlled z’ and all is fine.